Persad Aero-Climate Lab
@ UT Austin
Group Lead
Geeta Persad
Principal Investigator
Princeton University
PhD in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 2016
Certificate in Science, Technology, and Env. Policy, 2016
MA in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 2013
Stanford University, B.S. in Geophysics, 2010
Current Group Members
Dr. Ifeanyichukwu Nduka
Postdoctoral Researcher
PhD in Geography and Resource Management (Atmospheric Science), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2021
MSc in Geography (Urban Climatology), Ahmadu Bello Univerisity Zaria, 2011
BSc in Geography, Meteorology & Environmental Management, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Akwa, 2005
Past Group Members
Emmie Le Roy
Undergraduate Researcher -- Summer 2019
Project: The West African Monsoon response to aerosols from past, present, and potential future emitting regions
Now: Air Quality Analyst, Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group at Washington University in St. Louis
Brown University, B.S. in Geology-Chemistry, 2019
Vanessa Maciel
Undergraduate Researcher -- Summer 2018
Project: The dependence of Indonesia’s precipitation response to anthropogenic aerosols on emission location
Now: Masters Student, Dept. of Meteorology and Climate Science, San Jose State University
UC Santa Cruz, B.S. in Earth Sciences, 2019